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So finally we've got one fucking country that has agreed to our petition to have Ugg boots outlawed. Fair enough we only spent $14 on our marketing campaign, but damn it must have gone down a treat in North Korea. Hey, a win's a win, right? It's alright Ben, your shite sense of style is here to grace us for a while longer.
Whatever the fuck's going on with Uncle C's life the fact there are cunts out there extorting him on details of his PERSONAL life, pisses us the fuck off. Sheenzo if you're reading this we're with you brother, hit us up for a shotgun blasted tee we made just for you! Keep strong and takin those pills, you're good, bro you're good.
When wise guys have something important to say, the always break into lists... Tony ain't no different, so check out his latest thing that he's gotta get awf his chest. "Thanks for droppin' by.... so this thing wit the australians and these fuckin ugg boots, you know that stupid fuckin boots girls are wearin wit dare velour track suits. I'm putting boot up the ass on of any asshole who let's his kids wear deez fuggin boots.. jesus christ! what is this? what sandles not good enough for ya! Vaffanculo Ugg boots de merda!"